Dobrodošli na stranice St Louis Islamskog Centra – Džemat “Nur”

St. Louis Islamic Center

Džemat Nur

Obraćanje povodom podmetanja požara na crkvama u St Louisu / Statement in regards to church arson in St Louis

U proteklih nekoliko sedmica na sedam crkvi u St Louisu je podmetnut požar od strane za sad nepoznatih počinilaca. Sa ovim vandalskim činovima narušena su osnovna prava koja bi trebala biti dostupna svima bez obzira na njihovo vjersko uvjerenje ili religijsku pripadnost.

Iako policija još nije uhvatila počinioce, želimo istaći da ispred bošnjačke zajednice St Louisa i Amerike strogo osudjujemo ova djela jer ona sama po sebi podrivaju vrijednosti koja su garantovana svim stanovnicima Amerike. Strogo osudjujemo sve akte vjerskog nasilja kako na crkve tako i na ostale vjerske organizacije i njihove pristalice, kao i na principe na kojima oni biraju da vode svoje živote.

Mi Bošnjaci, koji znamo kako je biti protjeran i proganjan samo zbog vjere koja se praktikuje, podržavamo i branimo prava svih ljudi da prakticiraju svoju vjeru, da izraze svoja uvjerenja u miru bez prijetnji i odmazde. Takodjer pozivamo sve dobre ljude da poštuju vjersko dostojanstvo drugih, i da izbjegavaju akte skrnavljenja vjerskih objekata, te se nadamo brzoj i transparentnoj istrazi ovih incidenata i da će se oni koji su odgovorni privesti pravdi.


In the past few weeks, seven churches in St. Louis area were set on fire by unknown perpetrators. With these acts of vandalism basic rights have been violated, rights that should have been available to everyone regardless of their religious belief or religious affiliation.

Although police has not caught the perpetrators, we would like to state on behalf of the Bosniak community in St Louis and the United States, that we strongly condemn these acts because they undermine the values ​​that are guaranteed to all the people of the United States. We also strongly condemn all acts of religious violence against the churches and other religious organizations and their members, as well as the principles on which they choose to conduct their lives.

We Bosniaks, who know how to be expelled and persecuted only because of the faith that is practiced, support and defend the rights of all people to practice their religion, to express their beliefs peacefully without threats and reprisals. We also invite all good people to respect the religious dignity of others, and to avoid acts of desecration of religious sites, and we hope for a quick and transparent investigation into these incidents and that those responsible will be brought to justice.


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