Islamic Center Rises On Reavis Barracks
South County’s growing Bosnian population will soon celebrate the opening of the St. Louis Islamic Center, Nur at its new location on Reavis Barracks Road at Mackenzie Road.
The worship campus will include a mosque, a school and a senior center. Work began in November 2013 with a ground-breaking ceremony that included then-County Councilman (now County Executive) Steve Stenger and state Sen. Jamilah Nasheed and hundreds of future worshippers.
“So far, so good. Excellent progress,” said Imam Ahmed Serdarevic, who will preside over the center. “The tower, the minaret, the visible, symbolic parts are complete. The biggest part remaining is the parking area.”
R & K Builders is the general contractor for the project, which will be completed sometime in 2015.
“We hope sooner than later,” said Imam Serdarevic.
The project was undertaken to accommodate the area’s growing Bosnian population, which is overwhelmingly of the Islamic faith.
“That population has been migrating from the South city, where many of them worshiped at our Gravois center, to South County,” said Serdarevic. “We had been renting the building on Gravois. This will be a center of worship that we own.”
An estimated 77,000 Bosnian immigrants reside in the area and comprise a large percentage of the Affton School District enrollment.
“We currently have about 250 families that worship at our center. We expect that to grow,” Serdarevic said. “More than 1,000 donors have contributed their support to this project; that makes it very special.”
“We’re happy to see the growth and development of the St. Louis Bosnian community,” said Faizan Syed executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-St. Louis). “Initially, immigrant communities focus on finding jobs and adjusting to their new environment. With time, they build institutions like the Islamic Center to preserve their heritage and faith.”
As per Muslim tradition, the mosque will host five times of prayer daily, with the main weekly service on Friday afternoon. During the season of Ramadan – which falls in the overlap of June and July – nightly worship services will be held at the mosque.
“You will find that, as with other places of worship, we have Sunday school, potluck meals, weddings, birth celebrations.” Serdarevic said. “We have always enjoyed a very good relationship with our neighbors and local officials and we are proud to be part of the community.
“We hope and believe that will continue with our new center. We have had only the best of impressions so far,” he added.